How to Participate in the Learning 2.0 Program

This Learning 2.0 program consists of a set of 9 Tasks. For each task you are required to complete a number of discovery exercises. Some are very simple, such as exploring a particular web site, and some are more involved. For example, throughout the program you will be required to join several online services. There are instructions for completing each of the exercises in each task.

There are also extension exercises for many of the tasks for those of you who want to delve a little deeper. These are optional. You can try them all or just try the ones for the tools/technologies that particularly interest you. Don't forget - this program is about learning through play.

At the completion of each task you will also be required to record your thoughts about the subject of the task in your blog, which will be created in task 2. You should consider the relevance and potential impact the tool or technology you have explored has for yourself and for the provision of library services. See this example of a learning 2.0 participants blog for an idea of the kind of responses expected.

To keep track of who has completed which tasks a Sutherland Shire Libraries Learning 2.0 Tracking Log has been established. You will need to record your completion of each task on the tracking log.

As an extra incentive the Library is offering five $100 Westfields vouchers as prizes. To be in the draw for one of these incentive prizes you must complete the program (all 9 tasks including blog posts recording your thoughts and recording your progress on the tracking log) by 1st March 2008.

That's it! Get started by reading about the program (if haven't already) and then get started on the Tasks.

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